What's Happening at Yeshivas Mir


August 28, 2022

With the arrival of the month of Elul, as Yidden around the world prepare for the Yemei Hadin, Hagaon Harav Yitzchok Ezrachi Shlita – accompanied by Rav Eliyahu Lapin – made a special trip to bring chizuk to the kehilla of Mexico City. He was warmly welcomed by…

Elul Zman Begins Early

August 25, 2022

In the wake of the severe tragedies that befell Klal Yisroel during the summer, the new z’man began early this year. The thousands of bochurim and avreichim in Yeshiva, who were scheduled to return to the Beis Medrash on Sunday, the first of Elul, like all other…

Yeshiva Camp

August 15, 2022

The Yeshiva’s exciting camp programs are in full swing – providing our bochurim with the perfect opportunity to relax and refresh their כוחות in a structured, kosher environment. Many talmidim joined the eight-day program that runs from August 14th through August 21st in Mitzpeh Yericho – on spacious grounds…

Bein Hazmanim Sedarim and Shiur

August 15, 2022

Although the zman has come to a close, the learning and batei medrash are still quite full. A special chazarah shiur and seder is being given by Rav Asher Arieli for the first week. Each day he is giving on a different topic learned throughout the zman. A…

Chasidish Camp

August 15, 2022

For the 13th year the chasidishe bochurim of Yeshiva had the opportunity to have an amazing bein hazmanim program in a camp in Kfar Pines near Haifa, where over 300 bochurim had a chance to recharge and refresh in a safe and ruchniesdiga environment. The camp was coordinated by…

Tisha B’av Shiurim

August 9, 2022

Tisha B’Av in Yeshiva was a powerfully moving experience.  Everyone sat on the floor in the dark, using just a candle for light as they listened to the ba’al korei’s tearfully emotional Eicha.  This was followed by Rav Yitzchak Ezrachi’s shmuess in the apartment of Rav Chaim…

Israeli Dinner

July 10, 2022

On July 10th, a special dinner benefitting the Yeshiva took place in Eretz Yisroel, with the title and theme of “להגדילה ולהאדירה”. The guest speaker was Hagaon Harav Pinchas Abuchatzeira Shlita. Rav Pinchas spoke about the chashivus of the Yeshiva and how it is the mother Yeshiva…


June 30, 2022

The Yeshiva recently celebrated several new dedications and improvements that are greatly enhancing the talmidim’s surroundings. In the Bais Menachem building bearing the name of Menachem Kohn, there was a new dedication in memory of his son Yossi Kohn z’’l, who was tragically niftar in Meron on Lag…

Toronto Benefit Reception

June 24, 2022

The Annual Toronto Benefit Reception took place on Sunday evening, May 22nd, at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ari Klein; it was beautifully arranged in a spacious tent that accommodated the very large crowd. The event was dedicated l’zecher nishmas Ari’s unforgettable father – Reb Avrohom Simcha…

Toronto Young Alumni Breakfast

June 24, 2022

Toronto’s Young Alumni Breakfast was held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Mordy Sochaczewski, a Mir alumni couple who are popular members of the community. Among the co-hosts of the event were Mitch Zolty, Mordy Posner, and Shmuel Werner. Rav Binyomin Carlebach stayed for over an hour…

Montreal Downtown Benefit Reception

June 20, 2022

The Montreal Downtown Benefit Reception for the Yeshiva’s chassidishe contingent of alumni, parents and friends was hosted by Mr. and Mrs. Yoel Dovid Weber. The large crowd was addressed by Rav Binyomin Carlebach, who spoke about the purpose of a Yeshiva in creating a lifelong ruchniyus’dig connection and…

Montreal Benefit Reception

June 20, 2022

The Annual Montreal Benefit Reception, which took place on Tuesday evening, May 24th, drew a large crowd of alumni and friends. The event was hosted by Mr. and Mrs. Mendy Friedman, who are continuing the tradition of their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Hershey Friedman, longtime devoted supporters of…

Yeshiva Camp

June 20, 2022

Preparations for the Yeshiva’s Bein Hazemanim camp are in full swing. A well-planned, exciting schedule is being arranged to provide our bochurim with the perfect opportunity to relax and refresh their כוחות for Elul and beyond. The Camp is an eight-day program that will run from August 14th…

Baltimore Alumni Melave Malka

June 18, 2022

Baltimore Celebrates “Shabbos with the Mir” and Annual Benefit Reception

June 17, 2022

On Shabbos Parshas Behaaloscha, the greater Baltimore kehillla excitedly welcomed back the Mir and its hanhalla after a three-year interruption. Harav Hagaon Yosef Elefant shlita and Harav Hagaon Shmuel Levovitz shlita spent Shabbos speaking in various shuls throughout the city. The beautiful Shabbos culminated in a special Alumni Melave…

Panama Yarchei Kallah

June 17, 2022

The 3rd Annual Panama Yarchei Kallah was hosted by the Yeshiva just before Shavuos. The program was a full week long with a Shabbos at its center. The morning seder limud was in Maseches Gittin – the same what the Yeshiva was learning. During the afternoon, they had a second…

Chicago Yarchei Kallah

June 17, 2022

Several days into the new zman, the Yeshiva hosted a special Yarchei Kallah for a group of its friends from Chicago. The twenty or so participants had arranged a chizuk trip to Eretz Yisroel, and requested the Yeshiva to provide a maggid shiur, marei mekomos for their learning,…

New Projects/Renovations

June 17, 2022

Many upgrades and renovations were completed during bein hazemanim. A building across the street from Bais Yeshaya was converted into additional dorm rooms and a bais medrash. New lighting was installed in Bais Shalom. One of the battei medrash was expanded – as well Rav Asher Arieli’s shiur room…

Pesach 5782

June 16, 2022

Pesach in Yeshiva was especially beautiful this year. The many visitors who came had the opportunity to learn in Yeshiva and meet the Roshei Yeshiva. In addition, the bochurim of the Yeshiva who opted to stay in Yeshiva for bein hazemanim were provided them with delicious Yom Tov meals…

Shavuos 5782

June 7, 2022

Mazel Tov to Mir Friends

Yehuda Kaufman

on the birth of a baby girl

Michael Grosz

upon his marriage

Yaakov Florans

on the marriage of his daughter

Menachem Thaler

upon his marriage

Aryeh Berger

on the birth of a baby boy

Menachem Spira

on the engagement of his son

Chaim Abrams

on the engagement of his daughter

Eitan Ehlich

upon his engagement

Aaron Wolfson

on the engagement of his daughter

Dovid Rosengarten

on the birth of a baby girl

Shimon Moshe Greenberg

on the birth of a baby boy

Eli Krause

on the Bar Mitzva of his son

Avrumy Werner

on the Bar Mitzva of his son

Moshe Willner

on the engagement of his daughter

Binyomin Greenstein

on the birth of his grandson

Aaron Rosenblatt

on the birth of a baby boy

Yitzy Spinner

on the birth of a baby girl

Gavriel Hoffnung

on the Bar Mitzva of his son

Yechiel Applegrad

on the birth of a baby boy

Yitzi Levin

on the birth of a baby boy

Moishy Rakower

upon his marriage