Shabbos Hischazkus 5784


A historic Shabbos took place in the Moshav of Mitzpe Yericho. For the first time ever, The Rosh Hayeshiva Shlita initiated a Shabbos Hischazkus exclusively for the Chutz Laaretz Bachurim of Beis Yeshaya’s fourth floor –  Ulam Scharf, together with the Rabbeim of the Bais Medrash. Considering the current situation facing Klal Yisroel, the Rosh Hayeshiva Shlita felt that bringing the bochurim together outside the Bais Medrash setting would better enable them to get chizuk from each other, as well as from their Rabbeim.

Beautiful weather greeted the over 300 bochurim as they arrived at the famed “Mitzpe Yericho” campus and quickly began enjoying the many activities the campus has to offer. Following a lavish “To’ameho”, each bochur was personally greeted by the Rosh Hayeshiva and presented with a personal gift from the Yeshiva.

After an incredibly inspiring Kabbolas Shabbos with singing and dancing, the Rosh Hayeshiva spoke about the purpose of this “Shabbos Hischazkus” and the importance of recognizing and appreciating all of the constant miracles of life.

Harav Hagaon Yehuda Wagshal Shlita spoke at the Leil Shabbos seudah; after the uplifting zemiros, he joined the Rosh Hayeshiva, Harav Hagaon Yosef Elefant Shlita, Harav Hagaon Eli Reznik Shlita and Harav Hagaon Moshe Aaron Friedman Shlita in leading a captivating Q&A session. This was followed by a first-time “Hakarah Batov” program led by the Rosh Hayeshiva and selected bochurim representing all of the shiurim, bringing the Leil Shabbos Oneg to a close just after midnight.

On Shabbos morning, after a riveting drasha from Harav Hagaon Yaakov Moshe Katz Shlita, the bochurim “purchased” the aliyos for their respective Rabbeim with the currency of thousands of blatt Gemara, hours of retzifus, dapim of Mishna Berura and other kabbolos of this sort.

At the Shabbos day seuda the bochurim were zoche to hear from Harav Hagaon Binyomin Cohen Shlita and Rabbi Shmuel Machlis who both spoke words of divrei torah that penetrated the hearts of all the listeners.  After intense dancing and singing, the bochurim took advantage of the afternoon to learn, schmooze with their Rabbeim, and – along with the Rosh Hayeshiva – observe the nifla’os HaBorei.

Just before Mincha, the Rosh Hayeshiva sat with tens of bochurim and discussed many prevalent topics, responding to many of their questions and quandaries. The hanhallah and bochurim agreed to surprise the Rosh Hayeshiva and “buy” shlishi for him for over 13,000 Blatt gemara; the Rosh Hayeshiva’s face was visibly radiant as he recited Birchas Hatorah during this aliyah.

Harav Hagaon Shmuel Friedman Shlita spoke divrei Torah at Shalosh Seudos.  The Rosh Hayeshiva then sat with the bochurim and sang in the dimming sunlight as Shabbos ebbed away…

Finally, following a musical, post-Maariv Havdalah, live music and dancing with delicious pizza wrapped up a most incredible and reinvigorating Shabbos.

The lessons of Hakoras Hatov and the unique time spent in the presence of their rabbeim and Moreinu Rosh Hayeshiva gave the bochurim the koach to head into the rest of zman with renewed energy.

A big Yasher Koach to Rabbi Shmuel Machlis and the entire staff for putting together this beautiful Shabbos!

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