Annual Nshei Mir Melave Malka 5784


On Shabbos Parshas Vayechi, the Neshei Mir held a beautiful Melave Malka for the wives of the English-speaking avreichim.

Women finally met the wife of the man whom their husband spends the bulk of their day with – his chavrusa, the wives of the men whose names they hear so often, of the Rosh Chabura and its membership.

They got to meet the Rebbetzins, introduce themselves and be warmed by the Rebbetzins’ recognition, some for the first time. They got a better understanding of why, despite being one of thousands, their husbands don’t feel like just a number, an understanding of what it means to be part of Mishpachas Mir. They are remembered and acknowledged, and they are part of something much greater than themselves. Many women will go on to strengthen the connections they forged at the Neshei and turn to one of the Rebbetzins when they need help or advice, or with a request for their tefillos during difficult times.

A video showing what the Bais Midrash looks like on a typical day played on the screens throughout the room. Women spotted their husbands and were delighted to get a glimpse of what they sacrifice for each day. They saw the atmosphere of Torah in the Batei Midrash, a view of their husband’s world which they are rarely able to get.

The attendees were privileged to hear from Hagaon Harav Yaakov Hillel Shlita, who spoke about the importance that each one plays in their husband’s learning and the great value of being part of the Mir family especially in times such as now.

Rebbetzin Rina Tarshish led a most unique chizuk kumzitz with music, inspiration and singing. After every few minutes of speaking, she started a song based on what she spoke about with everyone joining in until her next segment of speaking began. The evening was enjoyed and mechazek everyone who participated.

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