12 Hour Chaburah Chizuk 5784


On Zos Chanukah, the 12-hour chabura participated in a special chizuk and Chanukah Seuda, held at the home of the Rosh Hayeshiva. The 12-hour chabura – a group of  talmidim, mainly bochurim, who have committed to learn 12 hours a day – has a special place in the Rosh Hayeshiva’s heart.  Since the Yeshiva’s regular seder hours span ten hours of the day, they supplement this with another two hours of extra learning, either before Shacharis, during lunch break, or after night seder.  The chabura has over 80 talmidim, who take their commitment very seriously.  The Rosh Hayeshiva spoke about how fortunate they are to be part of such a chabura and the tremendous zchus they have for learning with such love and devotion; they are the “magna u’matzla” protecting Klal Yisroel. At the end of the chizuk, the Rosh Hayeshiva bentched each bochur and honored him with a special gift, Chiddushei Rav Akiva Eiger on Kesubos, after which joyous singing broke out.

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