Chanukah 5784


While Chanukah this year in Yeshiva was somewhat toned down due to the situation in Eretz Yisroel, it was nevertheless filled with Torahdig simcha. On the first and third nights – Thursday and Sunday – three mesibos were held: for the Israeli, Chassidish, and English-speaking talmidim. The mesibos were graced by the presence of the Roshei Yeshiva, Mashgiach and Rabbeim. Both the Rosh Hayeshiva and the Mashgiach spoke at all the mesibos, as well as some Maggidei Shiur. The Rosh Hayeshiva’s theme was the zchus of being safe while in the Koslei Hayeshiva, and how we must be careful not to allow external influences to penetrate and affect us. Each of the mesibos featured singing and dancing enhanced by musical accompaniment and a choir, which was followed by a special kumzitz with the Rosh Hayeshiva to maintain the mood of the situation and keep everything in the proper perspective. The elevated ruchniyus inspiration was complemented by a delicious fleishig menu.

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Mazel Tov to Mir Friends

Yehuda Kaufman

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Michael Grosz

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Yaakov Florans

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Menachem Thaler

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Aryeh Berger

on the birth of a baby boy

Menachem Spira

on the engagement of his son

Chaim Abrams

on the engagement of his daughter

Eitan Ehlich

upon his engagement

Aaron Wolfson

on the engagement of his daughter

Dovid Rosengarten

on the birth of a baby girl

Shimon Moshe Greenberg

on the birth of a baby boy

Eli Krause

on the Bar Mitzva of his son

Avrumy Werner

on the Bar Mitzva of his son

Moshe Willner

on the engagement of his daughter

Binyomin Greenstein

on the birth of his grandson

Aaron Rosenblatt

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Yitzy Spinner

on the birth of a baby girl

Gavriel Hoffnung

on the Bar Mitzva of his son

Yechiel Applegrad

on the birth of a baby boy

Yitzi Levin

on the birth of a baby boy

Moishy Rakower

upon his marriage