Cleveland Shabbos of Chizuk 5784


The Rosh Yeshiva, Hagaon Harav Nachman Levovitz Shlita and Harav Hagaon Moshe Aaron Friedman Shlita infused the Cleveland community with much chizuk and inspiration during the weekend of Shabbos Parshas Vayishlach.

Rav Levovitz spent all of Thursday and Friday – as well as Sunday up to the moment of his departure to the airport – meeting and greeting the many alumni and friends who simply couldn’t get enough of his much-anticipated visit. On Friday night, he spoke following Mincha and Kabolas Shabbos at Ohel Sarah.  Following the seudah, a well-attended Oneg Shabbos was hosted by Mr. and Mrs. Moshe Rokowsky in Cleveland Heights.  The next morning, Rav Levovitz spoke after Shacharis at the Berkeley Shul, and then during Shalosh Seudos at Bais Eliyahu.

Rav Friedman addressed a crowd of about 250 older elementary and high school students at the Hebrew Academy of Cleveland on Friday morning. He then delivered shiurim at Kollel Ateres Nachum Zev and at theTorah Life/Agudah Building. On Friday night, he spoke following Mincha and Kabolas Shabbos at Zichron Asher Zelig.  Mr. and Mrs. Dovid Malcmacher arranged a beautiful Oneg Shabbos in their home in University Heights, usually hosted by their parents,  Dr. and Mrs. Louis Malcmacher, who were out of town.  An impressive crowd of over one hundred people from the community participated.

On Shabbos morning, Rav Moshe Aaron delivered divrei chizuk before Krias Hatorah at Kollel Yad Chaim Mordechai; for Mussaf and Kiddush, he joined Bais Avrohom (Rav Nissim Abrin’s shul).  In the afternoon, he delivered a halacha shiur on the sugya of Ner Ish U’beiso at Zichron Chaim, where he stayed for Mincha and Shalosh Seudos.

On Motzei Shabbos, Rav Nachman and Rav Moshe Aaron graced the Annual Alumni Melave Malka, hosted by Mr. and Mrs. Shloimie Klein. A very warm feeling of camaraderie was felt amongst all the talmidim, bringing back very memorable feelings of belonging to the Mir.

We thank all our hosts, talmidim and the community at large for a most memorable Shabbos.

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