Talmidei UK Shabbos with the Rosh Hayeshiva


On Shabbos Parshas Mishpatim, the English and European contingent of bochurim traveled to Givat Washington for their long-awaited Shabbos Hisachdus with the Rosh Hayeshiva Shlita and their Rabbeim. The excitement intensified as they boarded the buses in anticipation of an elevated Shabbos.

Before long, they were on their way with their spirits high. Upon their arrival, some headed straight for the pool while others kicked off a game of football.

After a refreshing Friday afternoon, each bochur met the Rosh Hayeshiva Shlita who warmly welcomed him with a heartfelt sholom aleichem and a welcome pack to commemorate their Shabbos. This meaningful gesture was a warm and touching start to the Shabbos, setting the tone for the achdus and chizuk that was in store.

Friday night davening began with singing and dancing, followed by a beautiful seudas Shabbos and oneg with much enthusiasm and achdus.

Shabbos day arrived with more beautiful tefillos and a geshmake seudah with inspiring drashos filling the air with warmth and chizuk.

On Motzei Shabbos, all the bochurim gathered for a truly inspiring Melave Malka with divrei chizuk by special guest, Rabbi Chaim Dov Stark Shlita, who left everyone uplifted. It was then followed by lively dancing and a kumzitz led by Harav Hagaon Yoel Rabin Shlita and R’ Yona Emanuel, an exhilarating moment that created memories for a lifetime.

As the Shabbos Hisachdus came to a close, the bochurim left Givat Washington with smiles on their faces, their hearts full of joy and their memories filled with the moments that made this an unforgettable event.

For the English and European bochurim in Yeshiva, this trip wasn’t just a refreshing chizuk, but an experience that reinforced their bond with the Rosh Hayeshiva Shlita their Rabbeim, truly making them feel like part of one Mir family.

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