Lakewood Chabura Yarchei Kallah 5784


Continuing what has now become an annual tradition, a tzibbur of around 30 steadfast baalei-batim from Lakewood and beyond joined the Yeshiva for four days of total immersion in limud haTorah within the Koslei Bais Medrash. They stayed in nearby apartments to be within walking distance of the Mir; the Yeshiva provided them with delicious daily lunches as well as light refreshments following every seder.  The group included several alumni who were precluded from participating in this year’s November Yarchei Kallah due to the situation in Eretz Yisroel.

From 9:30 AM until 6:15 PM each day, they were zoche to be completely engrossed in the sugyos of גר קטן  and בישול עכו”ם. They heard shiurim from many of our venerated Maggidei Shiur and Roshei Yeshiva. For two of the night sedorim, they had the zchus to visit and hear a sicha from both Hagaon Harav Don Segal Shlita and Hagaon Harav Dov Landau Shlita, discernibly imbibing the holy words of these Gedolim.

On Thursday, Erev Rosh Chodesh Adar, they had the opportunity to daven Yom Kippur Katan and Mincha at Kever Rochel. A beautiful seudas preida followed, during which the Rosh Hayeshiva Shlita highlighted the dual impact of the participants’ presence, bringing both personal chizuk to themselves as a kehilla, while also serving as a tremendous encouragement to the Yeshiva. Additionally, Rabbi Hamberger Shlita, Rav of the Ridge Kehilla in Lakewood, as well as one of the participants spoke, climaxing an incredible week of shteiging in every area of ruchniyus. The feeling shared by the participants was one of tremendous growth, of returning home with a full tank of hisorerus that will last for a very long time. The current talmidei haYeshiva expressed their own sentiments of admiration and chizuk from observing the schedule and passion of this exceptionally committed group.

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Mazel Tov to Mir Friends

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Chaim Abrams

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Eitan Ehlich

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Aaron Wolfson

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Dovid Rosengarten

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Shimon Moshe Greenberg

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Eli Krause

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Moshe Willner

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Binyomin Greenstein

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Gavriel Hoffnung

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Yechiel Applegrad

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Moishy Rakower

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Raphael Moshe Nadoff

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Michoel Levi

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Yishai Attias

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Hillel Zentman

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Zvi Zicherman

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Yehuda Ungar

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Shimon Obermeister

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Aharon Kaplan

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Chili Pollak

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Rav Yoir Adler

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Shmuel Meir Berger

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