Chaburas Hagaon Harav Peretz Tarshish Shlita Siyum Hagadol 

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This past Sunday night, כ”ז טבת, the chabura of Hagaon Harav Peretz Tarshish Shlita gathered for a grand siyum of Masechtos Shabbos, Shvi’is, Nazir, and Oholos in the Ohr Hachaim hall in Yerushalayim. Past and present members of the chabura attended, as well as the wives of the yungeleit. The event was elegantly catered and accompanied by live music. The atmosphere at the siyum was one of true simcha and kavod haTorah.  Everyone left the hall with a feeling of pride to be part of such a chabura, along with the inspiration to further strengthen their mesiras nefesh for Torah.

The Rosh Hayeshiva Shlita attended and delivered words of chizuk.  Then the siyumim were held; a different avreich was honored with reciting the Hadran for each masechta. At the conclusion, the attendees broke out in a spirited dance of joyous celebration. Harav Hagaon Meir Wahrsager Shlita, the Rosh Chaburah in the afternoon, followed with moving divrei Torah, emphasizing the advantages of the chabura and their commitment to delve deeply into the sugyos. Afterwards, Hagaon Harav Peretz Tarshish Shlita spoke, giving special mention to the wives of the avreichim and their commitment to allow their husbands to engage in learning.

One of the key moments of the event was the presentation of the sefer Avnei Tarshish to Harav Peretz Shlita. The sefer comprises chiddushei Torah authored by the members of the chabura on the many masechtos they learned; this was a most appropriate gesture of their appreciation to the Rosh Chabura. Each of the avreichim also received a copy of the sefer that truly enhanced their sense of pride; it was an unforgettable experience.

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