Upstate Chabura

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Most of the talmidim have remained in Eretz Yisroel; together with many new arrivals who began their first zman in Yeshiva, they are learning with fervent hasmada. For those who were unable to return, the Yeshiva felt an achrayus to find a suitable temporary arrangement that would allow them to continue their learning until they return to Eretz Yisroel. Rabbi Moshe Bender of Yeshiva Darchei Torah graciously offered the spacious, secluded grounds of their summer home, Camp Oraysa in Woodbourne, NY; within a short time, the Mir office staff had all the technical details in place. Many of the Yeshiva’s Rabbeim – notably Rav Moshe Aaron Friedman – came from Eretz Yisroel to guide and oversee the learning of the many chaburos who were there, representing the entire spectrum of Mir talmidim: Chassidish, Litvish, Sefardi etc. Rav Chaim Guttman and Rav Eliyahu Rubinstein also came for a brief stay. The accommodations were very comfortable, the nourishing meals are enjoyable; the Shabbos seudos were beautiful and uplifting. Most significantly, the thunderous ruach of the learning confirmed that the efforts of all those involved paid off.

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Mazel Tov to Mir Friends

Yehuda Kaufman

on the birth of a baby girl

Michael Grosz

upon his marriage

Yaakov Florans

on the marriage of his daughter

Menachem Thaler

upon his marriage

Aryeh Berger

on the birth of a baby boy

Menachem Spira

on the engagement of his son

Chaim Abrams

on the engagement of his daughter

Eitan Ehlich

upon his engagement

Aaron Wolfson

on the engagement of his daughter

Dovid Rosengarten

on the birth of a baby girl

Shimon Moshe Greenberg

on the birth of a baby boy

Eli Krause

on the Bar Mitzva of his son

Avrumy Werner

on the Bar Mitzva of his son

Moshe Willner

on the engagement of his daughter

Binyomin Greenstein

on the birth of his grandson

Aaron Rosenblatt

on the birth of a baby boy

Yitzy Spinner

on the birth of a baby girl

Gavriel Hoffnung

on the Bar Mitzva of his son

Yechiel Applegrad

on the birth of a baby boy

Yitzi Levin

on the birth of a baby boy

Moishy Rakower

upon his marriage