Rav Don Segal gives Chizuk in Yeshiva

WhatsApp Image 2023-10-29 at 7.10.14 PM (1)

Since the beginning of the zman there have been many Asifos Chizuk for the Talmidei Hayeshiva. On Sunday, י”ד חשון, Maran Hamashgiach Harav Don Segal Shlita came to Yeshiva to give a sicha. The Bais Medrash quickly filled beyond capacity, overflowing into the hallways with thousands of talmidim imbibing the much-needed words of chizuk and avoda to deal with the עת צרה in which we currently find ourselves. The Mashgiach spoke about how Hashem gave Avraham Avinu Eretz Yisroel, but we need zchusim in order to maintain our rights to it. He mentioned that despite the difficulty of the situation, we must be unwavering in our emuna in Hakadosh Boruch Hu. We should have faith that when bitachon is difficult, our s’char will increase and the Ribbono shel Olam will reward us. He pointed out that listening to news doesn’t help anything except to increase our curiosity; we should channel that curiosity to inyanei ruchniyus – to grow closer to Hashem. To hear his divrei chizuk click HERE to view his divrei chizuk click HERE.

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