Chanuka Mesiba

Chanuka Mesiba Img

This year’s Chanuka Mesiba in Yeshiva was a true exhibit of sheves achim gam yachad. A huge crowd of the entire spectrum of talmidei haYeshiva – Israelis, chassidim, Americans sang and danced together. They heard inspiring drashos from Hagaon Harav Yitzchok Ezrachi Shlita and the Rosh Hayeshiva Shlita, along with zemiros by the popular singer Dudi Kalish, accompanied by a full orchestra. The Rosh Hayeshiva led a special mivchan – challenging the participants with high-level yedios klaliyos questions from kol haTorah kulah. Spirited applause broke out each time a bochur successfully responded correctly! A talmid, Pinchas Menachem Ingber, presented the Rosh Hayeshiva with a special sefer containing shticklach Torah that talmidim were mechadesh during the time when the Covid restrictions were in force.
The mesiba was held on Monday night, the second ner of Chanukah, in the enormous tent that was constructed for the talmidim to have their meals during Yarchei Kallah – when the two regular dining rooms were hosting the visiting participants. The tent was beautifully retrofitted and arranged in honor of this memorable event.

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Mazel Tov to Mir Friends

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