What's Happening at Yeshivas Mir

Mashgiach Shmuz

October 16, 2021

Simchas Bais Hashoeivah 5782

October 12, 2021

The Yeshiva’s Simchas Bais Hashoeva took place on Thursday night, the second night of Chol Hamoed. Several changes were implemented this year, both due to Covid-19 restrictions, as well as to regulate the overwhelming number of people who are attracted to the Yeshiva’s Simchas Bais Hashoeva. Instead of gathering…

Hoshana Rabba 5782

October 12, 2021

Following davening on Hoshana Rabba – in accordance with the Yeshiva’s mesorah – the Rosh Hayeshiva and the Mashgiach began learning the new masechta of the coming zman b’chavrusa. Special minyanim were held in Yeshiva to accommodate the bnei chutz la’aretz, with beautiful Hakafos graced with the participation of…

Siyum Psachim

October 6, 2021

This past summer zman, the Yeshiva’s main Masechta was Pesachim. On the last day of the zman, members of the Daf Chabura – who schedule their learning with the goal of finishing the Yeshiva’s Masechta each zman – celebrated their customary siyum. They were joined by many other…

Annual Celebration Dinner 2021

April 5, 2021


Mazel Tov to Mir Friends

Raphael Moshe Nadoff

on the engagement of his son

Chesky Frankel

on the birth of a baby girl

Michoel Levi

on the birth of a baby girl

Yishai Attias

upon his engagement

Hillel Zentman

on the Bar Mitzva of his son

Zvi Zicherman

on the birth of his grandson

Binyomin Wallerstein

on the birth of his grandson

Yitzy Wallerstein

on the birth of a baby boy

Yehuda Ungar

on the birth of a baby boy

Shimon Obermeister

on the engagement of his daughter

Tzvi Hutman

on the birth of a baby boy

Sruli Schachter

on the Bar Mitzva of his son

Aharon Kaplan

on the Bar Mitzva of his son

Chili Pollak

on the Bar Mitzva of his son

Dovid Rosengarten

on the birth of a baby girl

Rav Yoir Adler

on the engagement of his daughter

Shmuel Meir Berger

on the Bar Mitzva of his son

Moshe Weingarten

on the Bar Mitzva of his son

Bunim Newmark

on the Bar Mitzva of his son

Yossi Bak

upon his engagement

Yitzchak Rosedale

on the Bar Mitzva of his son

Yitzchok Steg

on the Bar Mitzva of his son

Chaim Lehmann

on the birth of his grandson

Shmuel Werner

on the birth of a baby boy

Shlomo Jacobowitz

on the birth of his grandson

Dovid Seitler

on the birth of a baby girl

Yudi Goldfein

on the birth of a baby boy

Moshe Weingarten

on the Bar Mitzva of his son

Mordechai Sochaczewski

on the birth of a baby girl

Hillel Moerman

on the engagement of his son

JJ Bistricer

on the engagement of his daughter

Yanky Frank

on the birth of his grandson

Avrohom Kletski

on the birth of his grandson

Yossi Kletski

on the birth of a baby boy

Shmuel Werner

on the birth of a baby boy

Yosef Halberstam

upon his engagement

Eli Freund

on the birth of a baby girl

Daniel Margolis

on the Bar Mitzva of his son

Avromy Berliner

on the Bar Mitzva of his son