Purim 5784


A winter zman in Yeshiva is an opportunity for extended, uninterrupted shteiging that climaxes with the unique aliyah of Chodesh Adar and Purim encapsulating much of the intensity and growth of the preceding months. This year, with an additional Adar, many entered the month infused with the enhanced glow that only an extra month of learning in the Mir can provide. The faces of the talmidei haYeshiva radiated a special simchas Hatorah and simchas Hachayim, sipuk hanefesh and romemus.

With the approach of Shabbos Zachor – which occurred right before the Yemei Purim this year – the atmosphere was charged with this palpable joy. The Yeshiva, brimming with excitement, took a moment for a special to’ameha, which was merely a precursor to what lay ahead: the learning sedorim of Shabbos Zachor.

After a joyous and uplifting Kabbalas Shabbas led by one of the Avreichim and joined by the Rosh Hayeshiva, the talmidim ate the Seudas Shabbos together, enjoying an elevated experience in both ruchniyus and gashmiyus. Joined by several of the Maggidei Shiur and their families, the warm and joyous ruach was truly befitting for Shabbos Zachor with an increased simchas haTorah interweaving with the simcha of Purim with the elevated state of a Neshama Yeseirah!

With everyone well-prepared, Leil Purim began in the Mir tradition, with a full Beis Medrash coming to hear the Megillah, followed by a seder limud of hundreds of bochurim joined and inspired by the Rosh Hayeshiva Shlita, as well as the Mashgiach Shlita who came for a special tefillah after the seder. From there, the oilam proceeded to a special Seuda in Yeshiva with their Rabbeim which was transformed into a genuine mesibas Purim with music and dancing, with the participation of the entire hanhalas Bais Yeshaya.

At 5 AM on Purim morning, over 400 bochurim and Avreichei Hayeshiva filled the Bais Medrash of Bais Yeshaya for a Vasikin minyan followed by two hours of learning. Now in its third year, this initiative – led by Gavy Weiss – has been nothing short of an astounding kiddush Hashem. To hear a Kol Torah of this caliber at 7 o’clock in the morning creates an indescribable simcha shel Torah. As one of the avreichim put it, “If Moshiach would have walked through those doors, I would not have been surprised!”

The tone was now properly set for the rest of Purim, during which the bochurim visited their Rabbeim – who graciously opened their homes – with seudos continuing throughout the day.

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Mazel Tov to Mir Friends

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