Jackson Shabbos of Chizuk 5784


On Shabbos Parshas Vayigash, Hagaon Harav Binyomin Carlebach Shlita visited Jackson, New Jersey – home to many young Mir alumni – for the Yeshiva’s inaugural Shabbos of Chizuk in the town.

Rav Carlebach davened Mincha and Kabolas Shabbos at K’hal Ohel Elimelech, led by Rabbi Shmuel Schorr.  A beautiful Friday night Oneg, hosted by noted alumni Pinny Bak and Moshe Gottlieb, was a truly enjoyable experience for all. Over a hundred people attended; Rav Binyomin’s divrei Torah were very well received. A trio of mezamrim warmed and uplifted the gathering; the Q&A session shed light on many pertinent issues faced by young Torah’dig families who are seeking a proper hashkafa.

On Shabbos morning, Rav Binyomin davened and spoke at the K’hal D’Pitney, led by Rabbi Menachem Katz.  Mincha and Shalosh Seudos took place at K’hal Jackson Pines, whose Rav, Rabbi Chaim Lubin, has a familial connection with Rebbetzin Carlebach. During Shalosh Seudos, Rav Binyomin mentioned a midrash that at the time of the churban, stones from the Bais Hamikdash were scattered all over the world and everywhere that one of those stones landed, became a makom Torah. Now we know that Jackson, New Jersey, which only recently emerged as a home to so much Torah, always had its destiny as one of those mekomos.

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Mazel Tov to Mir Friends

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Aryeh Berger

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Menachem Spira

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Chaim Abrams

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Eitan Ehlich

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Aaron Wolfson

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Dovid Rosengarten

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Shimon Moshe Greenberg

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Moshe Willner

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Gavriel Hoffnung

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Moishy Rakower

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